Well construction creates perspectives
A beautiful report by our forestry expert Dr Axel Brückmann in Madagascar shows that the work of ADES provides a foundation on which even unplanned positive developments can build.
"The photo shows the water tower next to our well, which we built for a village tree nursery with the village community. Then a school project or water project came and built a water tower with a solar system to go with it... this is how a school gets water! The trigger was our well for the tree nursery ... Sometimes there are unintended yet beautiful effects of our work.
We find water around 9 to 12 m around Ejeda and try to slow down the water runoff through afforestation and with stone walls and improve groundwater recharge.
Our wells give courage to the villages - besides the tree nursery, they also enable small-scale vegetable cultivation - like sweet potatoes - they take their fate more into their own hands again. Due to the two years without regular air traffic during the pandemic, there is less work in the sapphire mines (fewer buyers). The well diggers were therefore assisted by returned sapphire mine workers."