Luc Estapé takes over ADES Executive Board as of 1 August 2022
7 June 2022
Luc Estapé takes over management of ADES
In 2021, ADES celebrated its twentieth anniversary and was named the international .ORG organisation of the year. With the production of solar and energy-saving cookers, educational measures and reforestation, ADES raises awareness among the people of Madagascar, protects the island's threatened forest stock and creates perspectives on poverty and rural exodus. ADES is growing and was able to significantly exceed the expected figures in 2021 and achieve the growth targets set for 2025 ahead of schedule. Following the expansion of its own infrastructure, the establishment of a Malagasy management team and freshly extended contracts with key partners such as myclimate, ADES is well equipped for the future.
After four extremely successful years, ADES Executive Director Rita Bachmann is leaving our NGO for personal reasons. She will hand over her responsibilities to Luc Estapé on the first of August 2022. The father of two children has been working for AFS Switzerland as Executive Director for the last six years. He is enthusiastic about the ADES project and aims to add a new chapter to the success story for people and nature in Madagascar.