Sustainable partnerships

ADES is the ideal partner for companies that care about sustainability. ADES is impact-orientated and aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The direct impact of ADES on 13 of the 17 SDGs (whereby the international gold standard confirms the impact on 10 SDGs as part of annual audits). Gitte Jensen describes what a long-term collaboration with ADES can look like. Gitte is ESG (Environmental Social Governance) Manager at u-blox.

The voluntary CO2 certificate market

To explain how the voluntary carbon market works, we let a recognised specialist have his say. We would like to thank Nicolas Kompalitch for the following text. He is CEO of Canopy Energies, which will distribute ADES CO2 certificates outside the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). Canopy Energies has set itself the goal of counteracting global warming by generating clean energy and reducing carbon emissions. We would like to thank Nicolas for his contribution to the ADES blog.

Why CO2 must have a price

Carbon dioxide is a natural component of our air. At the same time, it is a driver of global warming and therefore one of the greatest challenges of our time. However, the invisible waste product of our consumer society has no price and climate-damaging behaviour is often rewarded financially. The author of this blog is convinced that CO2 urgently needs a price

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