ADES Chronicle2024-06-27T11:58:59+02:00

ADES Chronicle

Our history

Foreword by Regula Ochsner

I had a dream

In it, I entered a shop and behind the counter I saw an angel. I asked him what he was selling. "Everything that can help you to live happily," he replied. After a moment's thought, I said, "I would like to see the end of all wars in this world. Then I wish that people would take more care of the environment and that there would be a life of dignity for all the inhabitants of the earth and..." Then the angel interrupted me and said, "Excuse me for interrupting you. But before you make any more wishes, you must know that we don't sell fruit here, only the seeds."
modified after Lisbeth Erhard

How am I supposed to summarise 22 years of activities, hopes, dreams, visions, fears, tears, sleepless nights full of worries, cries of joy, dreamlike celebrations, wonderful, enriching encounters etc. etc. in a short preface? That is simply not possible! Nevertheless, a few introductory thoughts on our chronicle created during the 20th anniversary:

20 years ago, I had to send letters to the then director, Chantal, in Tuléar. These letters were sent by public bus in about 14 hours to Ejeda to our new second centre - and back again. It usually took about two months before I had an answer. Imagine building like that! For example, I could not see from the photo Chantal had sent me that the terrain the municipality had given us for the planned centre was about two football fields in size. Chantal simply wrote that it was big enough for a carpentry workshop with three additional smaller buildings. I only realised this because of the cost of the wall that would have surrounded the site. And we didn't have the finances for such a wall! The shock came when I saw the patch of land live for the first time: For God's sake, what should we do with this large piece of land? It ended up being our first reforestation project! So from an unwanted seed came the foundation stone for a new branch of ADES: afforestation.

In 2002, Madagascar experienced a brief upswing with the new president Marc Ravalomanana. After his "coup", the country slid further and further into the sinister swamp of corruption until today, becoming one of the poorest countries in the world. The fact that we have all managed, despite these immense difficulties (warlike unrest in 2002 and 2009 in connection with presidential elections and no elected government for five years), to go from being a carpenter's workshop under a party tent to the largest Swiss NGO in Madagascar fills me with great gratitude. The size is less relevant than the fact that we have been able to protect so many forests and the climate and thus also improve the living conditions of Malagasy women and children - and can continue to do so.

The ADES children have also always been a great joy to me. First, I received drawings from Hospice and Sosia, the children of our guardian in Toliara, in gratitude that ADES pays for their schooling. Today, I get thank-you letters and photos of them passing their school-leaving exams or doing an internship at the higher technical school. Will these 380 or so seeds bear fruit so that these young people can build their own lives and help to revive Madagascar?

I also take great satisfaction in the prospects we give to over 500 families in the form of permanent employment, internships, as resellers or as employees of a supplier. These seeds have grown into very fine fruits. Not only are these families able to secure their lives, the security also helps them to have fewer children to bring into the world.

I could go on about a whole chrath of seeds that we have been able to sow thanks to the tireless efforts of our staff, many volunteers and board members, as well as countless donations, and which have developed into impressive fruits. Some of them can be found in this chronicle. I hope you enjoy browsing and reading.

With heartfelt thanks to you and all of you who have contributed, helped shape and supported ADES over the past 22 years so that this chronicle could come into being!

Your Regula

Chronicle 2001 until 2021

Chronicle 20212022-01-06T15:57:52+01:00

Overview 2021

For many years, Regula Ochsner has worked for the environment and the people of Madagascar. Thanks to her initiative and perseverance, ADES can celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2021. It is also the year in which Regula dedicates herself to new tasks in life and passes on the presidency to Herbert Blaser. Due to the still restrictive Corona pandemic, celebrations have to be largely dispensed with. International travel is also still severely restricted.

Interest in ADES products and projects is growing steadily in Madagascar. The year is marked by the expansion of staff and production. Management positions can be filled with local professionals who bring a lot of experience and their own ideas.

Sales of the solar and energy-saving cookers again exceed expectations in 2021. It is good that a second metal workshop for the production of the cooker jackets is already under construction and will be able to start operations at the beginning of 2022. The location in Antananarivo ensures that demand can be better met in all parts of the country. This purpose will also be served by the new ADES branches, five of which were opened in 2021. Three more will follow in 2022.

In autumn, ADES is catching up on its 20th anniversary celebrations with three public events; a film screening and a climate presentation in Zurich, as well as a reforestation webinar will be held. Another event to celebrate is winning the ".Org Impact Award" - ADES was chosen as "Organisation of the Year 2021" from over 600 other organisations.

Photos 2021

Press review 2021

  • 12.11.2021: Affolter Anzeiger
    ADES is Organisation of the Year (read pdf)
  • 8.10.2021: Ernst Schweizer AG
    Energy experience (read pdf)
  • 5.10.2021: Affolter Anzeiger
    The nature of Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 5.10.2021: Affolter Anzeiger
    Use muscle power to bring water to the boil (read pdf)
  • 14.8.2021: L'express de Madagascar
    Des fours solaires pour sauver la forêt (jpg)
  • 1.6.2021: Affolter Anzeiger
    Energy Day Mettmenstetten (pdf)
  • 7.4.2021: Affolter Anzeiger
    The expansion continues (read pdf)
  • 7.4.2021: Affolter Anzeiger
    20 years of service... (read pdf)
  • 25.3.2021 Mir Mättmistetter
    Invitation Energy Day (with ADES) (read pdf)
Chronicle 20202022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2020

The year 2020 is all about Corona - in Switzerland, in Madagascar, worldwide.

While ADES in Switzerland always organises numerous actions together with the volunteers every year, after the Stubete and the further training at the end of February, almost all events have to be cancelled one after the other. Digital meetings, mailing actions at home or Corona-compliant with mask and distance in Mettmenstetten follow.

Meanwhile, Madagascar is closing its borders until the end of 2020 to keep the virus at bay. ADES reports several times on various precautionary and hygiene measures, on nationally or regionally imposed lockdowns, and on specially arranged transport services to drive staff to work despite the public transport being shut down. Thanks to these measures and a lot of luck, ADES has not had to report any serious illnesses or even deaths in the various teams. All employees keep their jobs, in contrast to the thousands of people who lose their jobs in Madagascar and thus end up in even greater poverty. ADES is even able to create new jobs thanks to the expansion.

Keyword expansion: The new, second kiln has passed the test phase and is in operation. The two new mobile centres have been purchased and will be on the road by the end of the year in the northern SAVA region and in southern Fort Dauphin respectively. Already in November, ADES has sold more cookers than at the same time last year and, despite Corona, is reaching the sales target of 50 000 cookers. Everything happens with a delay, but much more is happening than ADES could have hoped for in retrospect!

Photos 2020

Press review 2020

  • 13.11.2020: City of St.Gallen
    Town twinning supports the ADES association (read pdf)
  • 14.10.2020: Midi Madagasikara
    Partenariat ADES - AFAFI Sud : 5500 foyers... (read pdf)
  • 28.08.2020: Affolter Anzeiger
    Setting a sign against poverty and for the climate (read pdf)
  • 14.08.2020: Affolter Anzeiger
    Critical phase in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 02.2020: Lufthansa Magazine
    Save carbon with cookers (read pdf)
  • 20.01.2020: Rotary District 2000
    Together we can do it! (Link)
Chronicle 20192022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2019

The year 2019 appears to have been a particularly international one:
Three football-loving men travel from Poland who, together with their club, have collected a whole lot of football items for Madagascar - from balls and shoes to jerseys and gauntlets.
Josh Martin, who visited the ADES centre in Toliara during a guided tour of Madagascar and was so enthusiastic that he has since supported ADES in fundraising on a voluntary basis from his home country, contacted us from the USA.
An invitation arrives from Hamburg to attend the "Rotary Convention", the annual congress of Rotary International, where ADES can present its project and make interesting contacts.
And as always, ADES is also active in Switzerland with stand campaigns from Affoltern to Zurich to Winterthur and lectures from Hünenberg to Mutschellen.

Meanwhile, in Madagascar, two major projects are taking shape - literally:
A second kiln is being built in Fianarantsoa to drive the expansion decided by the board. This will steadily increase production so that ADES can produce and sell at least 75 000 cookers per year from 2025 (compared to 45 000 in 2019). This project also includes the acquisition of two additional mobile centres.
Since December 2018, ADES has also been designing modular cooking systems for eight selected schools of the aid organisation Bel Avenir with the project "Innovation Gossküchen". After completion of the project phase planned for March 2021, the findings are to be implemented in other large kitchens of schools, hospitals and other businesses.

Reforestation is also progressing well. Various documents mention projects in Ankazobe, Zazamalala and Ejeda, among others. Regarding Ankazobe, ADES forestry specialist Dr Axel Brückmann explains: "It is worthwhile to defy the fire here and to preserve values and ecosystems with fire-resistant trees such as eucalyptus or, in some cases, pines, or even to create new ones.

Photos 2019

Press review 2019

  • 09.10.2019: Bulletin Rotary Club Zugerland
    Fireworks to contain fires (PDF)
  • 08.2019: Solarspar Magazine
    1 energy-saving cooker = 520 h less electricity collection (PDF)
  • 08.19: ONE - Employee magazine of the Lufthansa Group
    CO₂ compensation finances more efficient stoves in Madagascar, p. 44 (PDF EN), (PDF EN)
  • 08.08.2019: Tages Anzeiger
    Who benefits from the Greta effect (PDF)
  • 07.19: Rotary News
    Climate-friendly cooking (JPG)
  • 21.06.19: Affolter Anzeiger
    ADES remains on course for success (PDF)
  • 14.06.19: Affolter Anzeiger
    Support for ADES (PDF)
  • 15.03.19: Swiss Illustrated
    We introduce 15 Swiss climate saviours (Link)
  • 13.03.19: View
    Good for the planet or just for the conscience? (Link)
  • 12.03.19: Tagesschau, Ticino Television RSI
    Emission savings through climate compensation (Link)
Chronicle 20182022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2018

At the general meeting, Ueli Borsari hands over the presidency to the previous managing director Regula Ochsner after nine years in office. In a review of the previous year, he explained to the more than 50 people present that 2017 had been a pleasing and financially very successful year and that the first mobile centre had turned out to be a "real hit".

Regula Ochsner in turn hands over the management of the office to Rita Bachmann. She knows the African continent well, has lived in various countries for 20 years and knows Madagascar from her work in the travel industry.

There is also a change of personnel at the highest level in Madagascar. Alain Wasserfallen and Dagobert Froebel are now taking over the country coordination as co-directors and dividing the responsibility into the areas of administration / sales and technology / IT respectively.

Speaking of technology: A supplier of aluminium parts, which ADES needs for the construction of the parabolic cooker, is withdrawing from the business due to constantly rising transport and customs clearance costs. ADES will therefore produce the cooker on its own in future. Those responsible are using this opportunity to further develop the cooker with the aim of producing it even more professionally and cooking it even more effectively.

Among various other projects in Switzerland and Madagascar, one seems to stand out: ADES collects bicycles in Switzerland, enabling 74 employees to get to work more quickly or more cheaply. After all, the ADES production site in Fianarantsoa is located eight kilometres outside the city centre, which means a long walk or an expensive bus ride for many employees.

Meanwhile, in Switzerland, a new layout for the annual report, a new brochure and a schematic representation of ADES' vision are being created. And while the mission statement is undergoing a gentle revision, ADES is now offering climate sponsorship.

Photos 2018

Press review 2018

  • 12.18: Agro Sans Frontière
    Potato news from Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 10.12.18: Media release City of St.Gallen
    City of St.Gallen supports aid organisations (Link)
  • 15.11.18: the u-blox technology magazine
    Supporting a smart fight against deforestation in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 25.07.18: We Mättmistetter
    Companies in the Grindel Areal (read pdf)
  • 29.05.18: Affolter Anzeiger
    When the sun makes the fried egg sizzle (read pdf)
  • 04.05.18: Affolter Anzeiger
    Swiss pioneer becomes new president (read pdf)
  • 04.05.18: Affolter Anzeiger
    Successful year for the Aemtlerchorb (read pdf)
  • 05.04.18: Midi Madagasikara
    Commune rurale d'Antoetra (Link)
  • 01.03.18: Annual report 2017, agro-sans-frontière Suisse
    Madagascar, first project year 2017 - 2019 (Link)
  • 23.01.18: The Freiämter
    Cooking food with solar energy instead of wood (read pdf)
  • 12.01.18: The Freiämter
    Energy-saving cookers for Africa (read pdf)
Chronicle 20172022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2017

"After two and a half years of intensive leadership work as Directrice Nationale, Isabelle Marthaler-Marty wrote her last national report for ADES at the end of April 2017. In Bulletin 2017-1, following this sentence, her services are mentioned and that Kerstin Güthler will take over her post.

The subject of both bulletins is the new and first ADES mobile centre. It will take off in August and bring ADES to the streets or to areas where ADES does not operate a stationary centre. Its employees sensitise the population to environmental issues, sell solar and energy-saving cookers, advise interested parties and train new owners. Two documents published in the chronicle show how ADES is looking for funding for this project.

Last year, ADES handed over IT responsibility to Malagasy hands. The annual report 2017 says: "Toussaint Manamisoa, responsible for IT, is committed to expanding the services. Today, we can easily keep up with the local banks in terms of IT.

Since its foundation, ADES has paid school fees for the children of its permanent employees. According to the annual report, around 200 children and young people benefit from this every year. After 16 years of association activity, a first generation is growing out of its infancy. The annual report portrays two young people and their successful education.

Photos 2017

Press review 2017

  • 10.11.17: Affolter Anzeiger
    A mobile promotion centre for environmentally sound behaviour (read pdf)
  • 20.10.17: Midi Madagasikara
    1000 ha de fôrets epargnees par an... (read pdf)
  • 01.07.17: Eterna
    Climate protection project wants Madagascar... (read pdf)
  • 27.06.17: Affolter Anzeiger
    Tropical atmosphere in the Guggenbühl garden centre (read pdf)
  • 20.06.17: Affolter Anzeiger
    Madagascan Summer Night Festival (read pdf)
  • 20.06.17: Affolter Anzeiger
    Environmental education for learners (read pdf)
  • 06.2017: Le Matin
    Publication français (read pdf)
  • 06.2017: Presse française
    " Cuire un gâteau avec le soleil, c'est possible ? " (read pdf)
  • 06.2017: Presse française
    Les élèves ont cuit leur clafoutis avec un " four soleil " (read pdf)
  • 16.5.17: Affolter Anzeiger
    Impressive regional showcase (read pdf)
  • 05.05.17: Affolter Anzeiger
    Taste and discover solar power (read pdf)
  • 01.05.17: La Palma Tavel
    The solar cooker project in Madagascar (Link)
  • 17.03.17: Affolter Anzeiger
    Build your own solar cooker (read pdf)
  • 06.03.17: Laverite
    Des foyers économes pour préserver les mangroves (read pdf)
  • 01.03.17: Newspaper Luxembourg
    A backpack for Madagascar (lux) (read pdf)
  • 07.02.17:
    Emission: Le coq chante (mp3)
  • 02.17: Solar saving
    ADES has been promoting solar energy for 15 years (read pdf)
  • 06.01.17: ECO SAVOIE MONT BLANC No1
    Mitsiky sourit aux enfants malgaches (read pdf)
  • 01.17: Bla Bla Car
    Film about CO2-compensation with ADES (Link)
Chronicle 20162022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2016

"Unbelievable things have happened in 15 years. If we started in Madagascar in 2001 in a tent with the simplest work and structured the first processes, today our eight ADES centres work at a top level," is how the 2016 activity report begins. The anniversary celebration in Switzerland starts on 25 September with 95 invited guests at the Stadtgärtnerei Hubertus in Zurich and ends at the CUBE restaurant.

On 25 January, Isabelle Marthaler-Marty announces: "It is with great pleasure that I inform you all that today we have passed the threshold of a total of 100,000 solar and energy-saving cookers sold". Donations and CO2 contributions are essential for this success. The 2016 operating income is just under CHF 2.6 million. At the same time, it is stated that CO2 prices "are coming down and will continue to come down drastically in the future".

A detailed risk analysis for the areas of personnel, material assets, finances, politics and evacuation is produced. The responsibility for the IT department is fully transferred to Madagascar. From now on, two staff members handle all requests and challenges in all centres.

The antenna in Antsirabe, which opened in 2013, is being rebuilt.

ADES reports in Bulletin 2016-1 that the association covers eleven of seventeen SDGs. These are global goals for sustainable development - Sustainable Development Goals SDG - which the heads of state of 193 UN member states agreed on at the end of 2015 and which they want to achieve by 2030.

Photos 2016

Press review 2016

  • 15.09.16: L'Echo des Entreprises
    Foire à Renala, Morondava (read pdf)
  • 15.09.16: Affolter Anzeiger
    Kappel Monastery and Solar Cooker (read pdf)
  • 05.09.16: Jenman Safari's Madagascar
    Community Project Mada, Solar Cookers (read pdf)
  • 24.06.16: Affolter Anzeiger
    A click for the climate (read pdf)
  • 01.06.16: Zuger Presse / Zugerbieter
    Using solar cookers to combat deforestation (read pdf)
  • 01.06.16: Tages Anzeiger
    Media Planet Supplement: ADES protects in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 06.16: Tages Anzeiger
    Advertisement ADES (read pdf)
  • 24.05.16: Affolter Anzeiger
    Build your own solar cooker (read pdf)
  • 15.05.16: Mitsiky Anakao (read pdf)
  • 06.05.16: Affolter Anzeiger
    Day of the Sun Stallikon (read pdf)
  • 15.04.16: Tontolo lainana Madagascar
    Afforestation of ADES with pupils (mg) (read pdf)
  • 08.03.16: Affolter Anzeiger
    La Marotte: Bringing the sun into the cooking pot (read pdf)
  • 01.02.16: Swiss family
    Award with charisma (read pdf)
  • 19.01.16: La Gazette
    Des touristes, pour une aide directe et et efficace (read pdf)
  • 14.01.16: L'Expresse Mada
    Une Collection sur les ONG de A à Z (read pdf)
Chronicle 20152022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2015

Of the reports from the various ADES centres, three seem particularly worth mentioning. "Toliara experienced a real cultural change: all production workers now wear safety glasses, ear protection and safety shoes. [...] We collect metal waste in containers and recycle it." ADES now produces the green sheathing for the energy-saving cooker entirely itself; imports are no longer necessary. The detailed production of these metal boilers is shown in a richly illustrated presentation.

Due to saturation of the surrounding market, ADES closes the centre in Morombe. As an alternative, the annual report mentions "a sales camion for regions with potential, but where a fixed centre is not profitable".

In Ejeda, restructuring is on the agenda, with reforestation progressing well together with the population, the Youth Club for the Environment and the Salfa Hospital. There are already over 5 000 trees on four hectares.

On the subject of wood, the annual report also states the following: "If the blast furnaces used to consume 200 tonnes of wood a year to fire the OLI clay cores, no more wood is needed now. [...] The local company BIONEXX extracts an active substance against malaria from Artemisia plants. The plant residues from this production provide the raw material for briquettes that now heat our blast furnaces." As an aside: BIONEXX assisted ADES in the planning of the first large blast furnace, which held about 900 OLIs.

In Switzerland, 60 volunteers, board members and staff donate 4 091 hours of time for meetings, stand promotions, lectures, exhibitions, etc. In January, the first "Stubete" was held for the volunteers. In May, two Malagasy Board members stayed in Switzerland and were "really pampered".

Photos 2015

Press review 2015

  • 01.12.15: Klaus Heimer
    NGO brochure Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 1.12.15: ADEV
    Green electricity with global responsibility (read pdf)
  • 27.11.15: L'Express de Madagascar
    Les Fours améliorés de plus en plus prisés (read pdf)
  • 24.11.15: myclimate
    Compensation CO2 Rottbeck Logistics (read pdf)
  • 01.11.15: Business and club magazine
    ADES, solar and energy saving cooker (read pdf)
  • 01.08.15: myclimate
    Back to the Emerald Isle with solar cookers (read pdf)
  • 12.06.15: Affolter Anzeiger
    Successful Footprint stand Hedingen (read pdf)
  • 15.05.15: Affolter Anzeiger
    Mettmenstetten: Energy Town 2nd Energy Day (read pdf)
  • 12.05.15: Affolter Anzeiger
    Environmental award winners meet... (read pdf)
  • 01.04.15: Vozama - de vous a moi
    Opération un enfant un arbre, planton pour la planète ! (read pdf)
  • 30.03.15: Helvetas
    Distribution de foyers économiques en Menabe (read pdf)
  • 27.02.15: Church Messenger Local
    Misaotra betsaka-A heartfelt thank you (read pdf)
  • 01.02.15: Renewable Energies / Energies Renouvelables
    Engagement Suisse... (pdf de & fr)
  • 01.15: Solar saving
    65,000 solar cookers & energy-saving ovens in use (read pdf)
  • 01.15: Ottenbächler
    Build your own solar cooker (read pdf)
Chronicle 20142022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2014

After seven years working for ADES in Madagascar, Otto and Lisa Frei are returning to Switzerland at the beginning of the year. From September, Isabelle Marthaler-Marty will take over as coordinator after a difficult transition phase. Since she has already been living in Madagascar since 2012, where she built up a technical vocational school in Antsirabe together with her husband, ADES calls this appointment a stroke of luck.

"The production in Fianarantsoa is now fully operational. Hans Peter Frei helped to optimise the production line and trained 37 employees in the workshops." According to the annual report, things are also going ideally in the other centres.

Also mentioned is the cooperation on the ground with other Malagasy and international organisations, which is becoming stronger and stronger. Homes, schools, NGOs, companies, villages, regions, farmers' groups, churches and environmental projects are listed. "Awareness about the state of the forest is also increasing noticeably in Madagascar. As recently as 2001, we never talked about the environment at cooking demonstrations. Today, we have our own programme on this and train women and children in environmental basics.

Photos 2014

Press review 2014

  • 01.11.14: Danish Royal House
    Prince Hendrik's Trip to Madagascar (PDF)
  • 08.09.14: swiss
    Swiss foundation supports ADES project (pdf)
  • 01.09.14: myclimate
    Annual Report 2013 (read pdf)
  • 07.14: Rotary Magazine
    Cooking with the sun (read pdf)
  • 29.06.14: Sunpod
    Interview with Regula Ochsner (read pdf)
  • 07.06.14: Landbote
    FairFair / Bicycle Exchange at Afro Whitsun (read pdf)
  • 23.05.14: Rotary Club Zug-Lake Zug
    Speech R. Ochsner (read pdf)
  • 16.05.16: Zolliker Bote
    Successful course ADES General Assembly (read pdf)
  • 05.14: WWF Magazine
    Earth hour action in Madagascar: wood-saving cook cookers (read pdf)
  • May14: Landbote
    FairFair / Bicycle Exchange at Afro Whitsun (read pdf)
  • 23.04.14: Nature Magazine
    Solar cookers instead of coal cookers (read pdf)
  • 01.04.14: u-blox Annual Report 2013
    Green innovative projects (extract) (read pdf)
  • 01.04.14: myclimate
    Project photo awarded by Gold Standard (read pdf)
  • 02.14: SAVA Newsletter
    Fuel-efficient rocket stoves introduced, p. 4/5 (en) (read pdf)
  • 27.01.14: Midi Madagascar
    Urs Wüthrich, Nouveau Directeur National (fr) (read pdf)
  • 17.01.14: Affoltern Anzeiger
    Ferrari: Check handover as a Christmas present (read pdf)
  • 01.01.14: WWF
    Sponsorship Report Madagascar 2013 (pdf de & fr)
Chronicle 20132022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2013

ADES buys land in Fianarantsoa at the end of April. Already in mid-July, a building begins to grow on it without the use of large machines, but with a lot of manual labour. Five months later, ADES inaugurates a new factory with the largest celebration of its kind to date, doubling OLI's production capacity in one fell swoop. "In addition to the creation of more than 50 new jobs, it will be possible in future to expand awareness-raising among the population, increase sales activities and create interesting opportunities for further training," writes Otto Frei in a report. This major growth and thus the step into semi-industrial production is made possible by the support of EnDev, a programme financed by five European donor countries that promotes energy access in developing countries.

Great things are also happening in Switzerland in terms of real estate: ADES is buying office space for its headquarters at Grindel 6 in Mettmenstetten. According to Bulletin 1/2013, this means for the move-in on 6 July: "Board members, ADES staff and volunteers worked tirelessly all day. Thanks to discipline in reading plans, careful laying out of the numerous individual parts, safe hammering and screwing, and mutual support, all pieces of furniture found their proper place without scratches." The crew also seems to have escaped unscathed

Photos 2013

Press review 2013

  • 04.12.13: Endev
    Madagascar Energy Situation (read pdf)
  • 12.13: WWF Sponsorship Report
    Madagascar (en) (read pdf), Madagascar (fr) (read pdf)
  • 11.13: Newsletter Abassade
    Connaissez-vous ADES et/ou Monsieur Otto Frei (read pdf)
  • 22.10.13: Affolter Anzeiger
    Commodity companies swoop down like vultures on Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 01.10.13: Sponsoring ADES
    Using solar cookers to protect the climate and fight poverty (read pdf)
  • 01.10.13: Affolter Anzeiger
    Colourful diversity at the Herbschtmäärt (read pdf)
  • 17.09.13: Affolter Anzeiger
    Open Day: Solar cookers and energy-saving ovens for Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 10.08.13: Municipality of Zollikofen
    Zollikofen provides development aid in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 30.06.13: WWF Info
    Cyclone devastates Tuléar (read pdf)
  • 13.06.13: Rotary Club Reusstal
    The solar cooker from ADES (read pdf)
  • 06.06.13: L'Express de Madagascar
    Nouvelles (fr) (read pdf)
  • 03.06.13: Inona no Vaovao, Antananrivo
    Manana birao eto Antananarivo ny ADES (mg) (read pdf)
  • 24.05.13: Ernst Schweizer AG
    ADES, the solar cooker project (read pdf)
  • 10.05.13: Affolter Anzeiger
    Trade show (read pdf)
  • 11.04.13: Tagblatt of the City of Zurich
    High-ranking visitor in the rainforest (read pdf)
  • 25.03.13: WWF Info
    Distribution energy-saving cooker (fr) (read pdf)
  • 15.03.13: Solarspar
    Sun provides clean water (read pdf)
  • 12.03.13: Affolter Anzeiger
    Build your own solar cooker (read pdf)
  • 28.02.13: Joiner's Newspaper
    Hot stuff: carpenters and solar cookers (read pdf)
  • 01.02.13: Affolter Anzeiger
    ZKB Sustainability Award: 10,000 Swiss francs for Sommer Holzwerkstatt (read pdf)
  • 18.01.13: Zolliker Bote
    ADES launches electric solar cooker for Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 09.01.13: Rotary Club Zugerland
    Lunch with Regula Ochsner (read pdf)
  • 01.01.13: Global giving
    Improved Cooking Technology Distributed at CC (read pdf)
Chronicle 20122022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2012

Bulletin 2/2012 stands out with the title "Already over 15,000 energy-saving stoves produced". It goes on to say: "After two years of development, the OLI energy-saving stoves are now a huge success and very popular. No wonder, since they reduce wood or coal consumption by more than 50 %." The great demand has led, among other things, to the opening of a sales point in the capital Antananarivo. The extension of the Gold Standard label to the whole country of Madagascar has also contributed to this. ADES has received strong support for this success from myclimate and Hans Peter Frei.

The inauguration of the large metal workshop in Toliara, where the boilers for the OLIs as well as for the school solar cookers and the electric solar cookers are made, is mentioned several times and recorded with pictures.

Another highlight is the inauguration of the first ADES school canteen. It is located in Saondrano. The annual report states: "Now the women prepare a healthy meal for about 250 children every day. This helps to ensure that the children don't fall asleep in class because they are hungry or are sent by their parents to fish instead of going to school." A radio journalist on the ground also says: "In these difficult times, there is very little good to report. But ADES always provides topics and activities for positive news."

The increasingly frequent visits of foreign tour groups to the ADES production sites and information centres are mentioned as a continuing trend. The tourists ask for explanations of how ADES products work and how they are made, and they are always very interested. Centre manager Anatolie von Toliara says: "On pourrait croire que l'ADES c'est un site touristique à Madagascar!

At the general meeting, the board shows a richly illustrated presentation. Due to the growth, Regula gets an assistant for the first time in March. There is also an interesting section in the annual report on the subject of information technology: "Herbert Blaser has spent many hours on a voluntary basis mutating all ADES data in Switzerland and Madagascar into the new information technology programme Salesforce. This means that the data can be accessed via the internet from anywhere. ADES is already using the programme with great success.

Photos 2012

Press review 2012

  • 17.12.12: Madagascar Newspaper
    Premier producteur de four électrique solaire (read pdf)
  • 01.12.12: Zolliker Bote
    Solar cooker, a win-win for everyone, Publireportage (read pdf)
  • 16.11.12: Zolliker Bote
    Adrienne Borsari: "I don't like the people who are always complaining" (read pdf)
  • 06.11.12: myclimate
    Nadine Strittmatter offsets with myclimate (Link)
  • 25.09.12: Affoltern District Gazette
    Sommer Holzwerkstatt nominated for ZKB Sustainability Award (read pdf)
  • 20.09.12: Radio DRS
    Poem "Personal" by Karin Frei
  • 07.09.12: Berner Zeitung
    Otto Frei: From politics to solar cookers (read pdf)
  • 05.09.12: swissinfo
    Solar cooker to protect the forests (Link)
  • 09.12: TRUNZ
    Case study Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 05.12: Future Madagascar Foundation
    Humanitarian aid for Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 04.12 myclimate
    Efficient cookers for south-west Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 27.03.12: Affoltern district gazette
    Cooking down with the power of the sun: solar cooker workshop (read pdf)
  • 20.03.12: Affoltern District Gazette
    Call: Pioneers of Change, Freiburg i. Brsg. (read pdf)
  • 09.03.12: Rheinische Post
    St. Ursula's Grammar School Donation Info (read pdf)
  • 06.03.12: Affoltern district gazette
    Advance notice: Environmental Award winners exchange ideas (read pdf)
  • 01.03.12: Deutsche Welle
    Film clip "Solar ovens provide good food and green electricity in Madagascar" (Link)
  • 07.02.12: Coop Newspaper
    The sun is also a hearth (read pdf)
  • 12.01.12: myclimate
    News: 200 efficient cookers as Christmas present (read pdf)
  • 01.12: Solar saving
    Moated castle in Beheloke / Madagascar (read pdf)
Chronicle 20112022-01-06T15:57:37+01:00

Overview 2011

ADES continues to grow and opens a fifth ADES centre: "While our activities were previously limited to the south and southwest of the island, we are now expanding them to the northwest with the addition of Mahajanga, the third-largest city in the country," the annual report states. At the end of the year, ADES had a total of 19 additional employees on its payroll. ADES is also creating jobs indirectly. BERMA is opening a production facility in Fianarantsoa, where clay bricks for the energy-saving cookers will be fired from now on. ADES thus enters into a long-term partnership with BERMA that continues to this day.

"We have probably never carried out as many activities in Switzerland as we did in 2011," the annual report reads. Among other things, the city of Zurich invites ADES to the Environment Days, many stand actions are on the programme as well as participation in the Climate Forum in Thun and the Lifefair trade fair in Zurich. The Bulletin is also published for the first time.

Highlights in both countries are also likely to be the 10-year anniversary celebrations, each of which is captured in a picture sheet, among other things.

Photos 2011

Press review 2011

  • 12.11: myclimate
    Efficient cookers in south-west Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 29.11.11: Affolter Anzeiger
    Great weather and atmosphere at the Wettswil Advent Market (read pdf)
  • 11.11.11: Midi Madagasikara
    Energie solaire: Pour sauver l'environnement (jpg)
  • 05.11.11: Mahajanga
    Tonga eto Mahajanga ny ADES (mg) (read pdf)
  • 04.11.11: Gazetiko (Madagascar)
    Fatana masoandro sy fatana mitsitsy... (mg) (read pdf)
  • 03.11.11: Courrier
    Fatana masoandro sy fatana mitsitsy maherin'ny... (mg) (read pdf)
  • 17.10.11: Courrier de Madagascar
    Toliara: Don de 200 foyers améliorés et de fours solaires (fr) (read pdf)
  • 01.10.11: Solar Cookers International
    ADES Team introduces new solar cooker (read pdf)
  • 23.09.11: Lifefair
    The fate of the trees is also our fate (read pdf)
  • 23.09.11: Affolter Anzeiger
    God in Nature? Prayer Day Service ADES (read pdf)
  • 22.09.11:
    Des fours solaires pour sauver les fôrets malgaches (fr) (read pdf)
  • 20.09.11: Affolter Anzeiger
    Solar cooker from Rifferswil (read pdf)
  • 13.09.11:
    Solar energy for cooking stoves in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 11.09.11: Solarspar
    Harnessing the sun (read pdf)
  • 07.09.11:
    Solar cooker to protect the forests of Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 03.09.11: Homepage Schwerzenbach
    With solar cookers in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 01.09.11: Seasonal cuisine
    Solar cooker instead of wood fire - Interview with Regula Ochsner (jpg)
  • 08/16/11: myclimate
    Efficient cookers in south-west Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 28.07.11: Basel Staff
    Seat promotes solar cookers (read pdf)
  • 22.07.11: Matin Madagascar
    Une décienne dans l'énergie renouvelable (fr) (read pdf)
  • 17.07.11: Midi Madagasikara
    Des cuiseurs solaires pour lutter contre la déforestation (fr) (read pdf)
  • 15.07.11: La Gazette
    L'ADES s'engage (fr) (read pdf)
  • 14.07.11: La Gazette
    Le cuiseurs solaire sauve 30000 ha de fôret en 10 ans (fr) (read pdf)
  • 14.07.11: Courrier
    30 000 ha de fôret sauvees an 10 ans (fr) (read pdf)
  • 12.07.11: L'Express de Madagascar
    Des cuiseurs solaires pour lutter contre la déforestation (fr) (read pdf)
  • 12.07.11: Madagascar
    Mamokatra ny fatana mandeha amin ny masoandro (mg) (read pdf)
  • 12.07.11: Matin Madagascar
    Energie durable depuis 2001 (fr) (read pdf)
  • 12.07.11: Malaza
    Promotion des cuiseurs solaires (fr) (read pdf)
  • 12.07.11: Les Nouvelles
    L'ADES fete ses 10 ans (fr) (read pdf)
  • 08.07.11: Ernst Schweizer AG
    Development organisation ADES visits Hedingen (read pdf)
  • 01.07.11: Save my world
    Establishment of a centre in Mahajanga (read pdf)
  • 07.11: Ottenbächler
    10 years ADES anniversary celebration with world novelty (read pdf)
  • 28.06.11: Affolter Anzeiger
    Solar cooker - pioneers celebrate anniversary with world first (read pdf)
  • 25.06.11: Ottenbächler
    Sustainable energy for 10 years (read pdf)
  • 11.06.11: Affolter Anzeiger
    Solar cooker - pioneers celebrate anniversary with world first (read pdf)
  • 03.06.11: Media release
    ADES - La Cuisine solaire: sustainable energy since 2001 (read pdf)
  • 24.05.11: Affoltern District Gazette
    Bonstetten School: Pioneering work done (read pdf)
  • 07.05.11: Energy City Rüti
    Days of the Sun (read pdf)
  • 05/02/11: Pro Wildlife
    Saving Madagascar's forests with the sun (read pdf)
  • 15.04.11: OSA Power Week News
    Pupils for the Environment (read pdf)
  • 21.03.11: Zürichseezeitung
    From the Seine directly to the GV (read pdf)
  • 01.03.11: WWF - Trunz
    ADES (read pdf)
  • 01.03.11: Untersträssler Women
    Prizes and Awards Dr. J. Brandenberger (read pdf)
  • 03.11: WWF Madagascar
    Solar cooker instead of firewood (read pdf)
  • 10.01.11: Pro Wildlife
    Sun to save Madagascar's forests (read pdf)
  • 03.01.11: Pro Wildlife
    A Paradise in Danger (read pdf)
  • 02.01.11: TZ
    Solar cooker instead of open fire (read pdf)
  • 01.11: Solar saving
    Cooking with the Sun / Learning with the Sun (read pdf)
Chronicle 20102022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2010

"Thanks to the grand prize from the Brandenberger Foundation, we on the ADES board had noticeably fewer worries about funding for the first time in our 10-year history. The award ceremony was certainly the highlight of the ADES year in Switzerland." These lines come from the 2010 annual report. The prize was endowed with CHF 200 000. At the same time, ADES won the audience award at the Lifefair fair for sustainable living in Zurich.

At the General Assembly, Regula, who is now ADES Executive Director, steps down from the Board and hands over the presidency to long-time Board member Ueli Borsari. Board members Adrienne Borsari and Kathrin Stocker, who have also served for many years, were re-elected for another four years. The first mission statement of ADES, dated 3 November 2010, probably originated from the pen of the Board.

Another milestone is described in the annual report as follows: "The monitoring process for CO2 reduction has started well. We received the first payments from myclimate."

The fourth ADES centre opens in Morombe at the end of October. Also from October, the OLI-b goes into production after a development phase of more than 2 years. ADES sells 798 of them by the end of the year. The plan was for 200... and in mid-December ADES is already launching the OLI-c "with dance and music".

Photos 2010

Press review 2010

  • 10.12.10: Swiss
    Development aid (read pdf)
  • 01.12.10: myclimate
    Update: Efficient cookers for Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 02.11.10: Affolter Anzeiger
    200,000 Swiss francs for solar energy project (read pdf)
  • 11.10: Ottenbächler
    Brandenberger Lifetime Achievement Award (read pdf)
  • 29.10.10: Affolter Anzeiger
    Award ceremony Brandenberger Prize (read pdf)
  • 13.10.10: Wallo News
    We offer climate-friendly holidays (read pdf)
  • 04.10.10: Rotary Club Zurzach-Brugg
    Madagascar: Cooking with the Sun (read pdf)
  • 01.10.10: The Confederation
    The sun in the cooking pot (read pdf)
  • 13.07.10: Yves Rocher
    Environmental Award 2010/11 (read pdf)
  • 22.06.10: Coop Newspaper
    CO2-Compensation - How it works (read pdf)
  • 04.10: climate-friendly Switzerland
    ADES - Cooking with the Sun (read pdf)
  • 04.10: Rotary Club Zurzach-Brugg
    Madagascar: Cooking with the Sun (read pdf)
  • 25.03.10: Advertisement / Advance notice
    Environmental Film Festival with film by ADES (read pdf)
  • 12.03.10: Observer
    The thing: solar cooker, cooking device for the patient (read pdf)
  • 12.03.10: Affolter Anzeiger
    In person from La Marotte in Affoltern (read pdf)
  • 07.03.10: Radio DRS 1
    Personally from La Marotte in Affoltern, Regula Ochsner and Christian Hess in conversation with Karin Frei
  • 02.10 Trunz
    Clean drinking water and solar energy for St. Augustin, Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 02.10 Bike Andventure
    Advertisement (read pdf)
  • 01.10: ZOOM
    Con il calora del soleé anche possibile cuocere (it) (read pdf)
  • 02.10 Rotary Club Zugerland
    Bulletin, Lecture on Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 01.10 La Lettre du Gouverneur
    Vie du district, Dons de fours solaires (fr) (read pdf)
Chronicle 20092022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2009

At the beginning of the year, Madagascar's newly elected government is overthrown. The country slides into a major political and economic crisis. Around 75 % of the Malagasy state's income comes from foreign funds. This money does not flow for months. Tourism, the second major source of income, is also collapsing. In the annual report, Otto Frei writes, among other things: "It is difficult to promote the cause of nature conservation in an area where people do not even have the basic necessities for survival." This is compounded by staff unrest at the Toliara farm. Those responsible see themselves forced to close the centre for four months before it resumes with partly new staff and full vigour.

There are also many changes in Switzerland. Due to the heavy workload, Regina Gloor and Co-President Heinz Vetter are resigning from the Board. Walter Scherrer and Jörg Baumann join as new members. Regula Ochsner, meanwhile, is quitting her job as a couples and family therapist and will act as ADES Executive Director from autumn, continuing to do a third of her work on a voluntary basis.

However, the year 2009 stands not only for unrest and restructuring, but also for development: the first prototype of today's energy-saving cooker "OLI" passes its baptism of fire at the end of the year after months of tinkering. How and why this came about and where the cooker got its name can be found in the document "A Madagascan fairy tale" and in the annual report.

The "1000 solar cookers for Tuléar" campaign, which the Rotarians from the Zurich Oberland brought about in cooperation with Rotary International and whose implementation began with the distribution of the first 95 solar cookers in December, is also gratifying.

Photos 2009

Press review 2009

  • 12.12.09: Neue Zürcher Zeitung
    Homemade climate policy (read pdf)
  • 12.12.09: Art for tropical forests
    Solar cooker Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 01.12.09: Yves Rocher
    Déliberations Jury International 2010 (fr) (read pdf)
  • 01.09.09: Rotary Suisse Liechtenstein
    More and more Madegasses cook with the sun (read pdf)
  • 08/04/09: WWF For a living planet
    Solar Cookers Protect Forests (read pdf)
  • 08.09: A. Vogel
    Cooking with solar power (read pdf)
  • 07.09: Charity Newsletter No. 2
    Cooking with solar energy in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 01.06.09: Kriens helps people in need
    Well-attended General Assembly (read pdf)
  • 06.09: Africa Link
    Solidarity Award for Regula Ochsner (read pdf)
  • 30.05.09: Afro Whitsun
    ADES brings sunshine into the cooking pot (read pdf)
  • 01.04.09: Terra fair
    Clear as daylight, the solar cooker makes sense (read pdf)
  • 04.09: Exclusive Kluspark Kriens
    ADES thanks the Kluspark (read pdf)
  • 05.03.09 Yves Rochers
    Rencontres (read pdf)
  • 04.03.09 Dîner Conference
    Madagascar R. Ochsner & R. Ramiandrisoa (read pdf)
  • 01.03.09 Mirror Unterstrass
    Well-deserved honour for Regula Ochsner (read pdf)
  • 01.09: Zurich 2
    10 families receive a solar cooker (read pdf)
Chronicle 20082022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2008

ADES opens its third centre in May. The new location is Morondava. The opening speeches are broadcast on the radio, followed by a two-hour special programme, and national television is also said to have aired sequences.

At the end of the year, ADES had 42 employees. This is almost double the number of the previous year. The same applies to the sales figures: While there were 725 units in 2007, ADES already sold 1480 solar cookers in 2008. Otto Frei, meanwhile, continues to coordinate the activities in Madagascar with his wife Lisa and describes the ups and downs of life on the island in various reports.

After initial talks with myclimate took place in 2005, the process for CO2 certification, which is to secure the flow of financing in the future, will begin in 2008. Hans Peter Frei, Otto Frei's brother, is significantly involved in this process, along with other projects. Together with him, the board and 30 volunteers are making an enormous effort. The unpaid working hours correspond to almost five full-time positions. In order to handle the numerous tasks as professionally as possible, ADES holds the first training day for the volunteers in April. In the annual report, Regula states: "The workload of individual board members and Hans Peter Frei is so great that an office will soon be necessary".

The crowning glory of the year is the acceptance of the Doron Prize in November. The certificate reads: "The Board of Trustees awards the Doron Prize 2008 to the ADES Association for its extraordinary commitment.

Photos 2008

Press review 2008

  • 31.12.08: Our church
    Proceeds Basar-Fäscht 2008 (read pdf)
  • 15.12.08: Arag Immobilien AG
    Arag Immobilien-Treuhand AG and the environmental idea (read pdf)
  • 25.11.08: Neue Zuger Zeitung
    Without education there is no nature conservation
  • 25.11.08: Doron Prize
    Two prizes awarded, Zug Doron Foundation (read pdf)
  • 11.08: Solar Savings Foundation
    Cooking with the sun (read pdf)
  • 11.08: Solar saving
    Starting signal for the sun (read pdf)
  • 01.09.08: Kriens Info
    Solar cooker for the south of Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 09.08: Go Insights
    Gondrand also leaves no stone unturned in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 08.08: Ottenbach municipal bulletin
    Church collection for ADES (read pdf)
  • 11.07.08: Affolter Anzeiger
    We make a difference (read pdf)
  • 11.07.08: Affolter Anzeiger
    Great week (read pdf)
  • 07.08: Sun, wind, warmth
    Tritec finances first solar village in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 07.08: Prism
    Fight against overexploitation (read pdf)
  • 07.08: ADES
    Cuisiner avec le four solaire (fr) (read pdf)
  • 27.06.08: Kirchenbote local
    Personal: How a Dürnten woman saves the forest in Madagascar with the sun (read pdf)
  • 27.06.08: St. Michael's parish magazine (2x)
    Collection for Solar Cooker Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 06.06.08: Affolter Anzeiger
    Bazaar at the end of the Soldaritaetswoche (read pdf)
  • 22.05.08: Waldenburg Gazette
    Solar cooker for the world (read pdf)
  • 01.04.08: Blue Venture
    Solarstove Morondava, Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 04.08: Yves Rocher
    The environmental prize Trophee de femmes (read pdf)
  • 04.08: Yves Rocher
    Terre des femmes 1er Prix (fr) (read pdf)
  • 04.08: Ottenbächler
    Culture for Ottenbach: ADES Project (read pdf)
  • 04.08: Solar saving
    Baking, cooking, steaming with the sun (read pdf)
  • 11.03.08: Les Nouvelles, Madagascar
    Regula Ochsner: Energie solaire pour Madagascar (fr) (read pdf)
  • 03.08: Blue Venture
    Energy Efficient Stoves Programme (read pdf)
  • 22.02.08: St. Galler Zeitung
    Tinkerer puts the sun in the box (read pdf)
  • 02.08: Rotary Suisse Liechtenstein
    Solar cooker against deforestation, cross-club matching grant project (read pdf)
  • 04.01.08: Zürcher Oberländer
    Rotarians from the Oberland rely on solar cookers (read pdf)
  • 01.08: myclimate
    Efficient cookers in Southwest Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 01.08: Ottebächler
    ADES project in Madagascar (read pdf)
Chronicle 20072022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2007

In the meantime, 25 people work in the factories in Toliara and Ejeda. Otto Frei, a board member from the very beginning, resigns from his position and takes over as ADES coordinator in Madagascar instead. Heinz Vetter, co-president of ADES since 2006, also spends eleven weeks on the island on a voluntary basis to familiarise himself with the various projects on site. In addition to the cooker production, ADES intensifies its cooperation with schools and teachers. Among other things, the new picture book "Toky et le roi soleil" is published. It is very popular in environmental lessons.

In the meantime, ADES presents itself at various events in Switzerland and gives several speeches. A charity event in favour of ADES is held with the two personalities Benedikt Weibel and Heinrich Müller. Highlights of the year are two award ceremonies: In February, Regula receives the international environmental prize "Trophée des femmes "* from the environmental foundation "Fondation Yves Rocher" and in autumn she is awarded the Swiss Solar Prize 2007 in the category of persons/institutions.

*At the request of the Malagasy government, ADES used this prize money to electrify a pilot village.

Photos 2007

Press review 2007

  • 03.12.07: Internet: Advent calendar
    Advent calendar on sustainable development 2007
  • 12.07: Retour d'Experiances
    Madagascar : coup de projecteur sur l'association ADES (fr) (read pdf)
  • 12.07: HEDON Climate Change and Household Energy
    Marine conservation and energy efficient stoves? ( en) (read pdf)
  • 27.11.07: Zürcher Oberländer
    Christmas spirit and solar energy (read pdf)
  • 04.11.07: XtraBusiness 04
    Heated for "Solar Power
  • 11.07: active-live
    Solar cookers in action against poverty and climate change (read pdf)
  • 12.10.07: Affoltern district gazette
    Tireless work rewarded, award for solar cooker (read pdf)
  • 04.10.07: Tages-Anzeiger
    Solar prices for Zurich
  • 03.10.07 Solar Prize
    17th Swiss Solar Prize (read pdf)
  • 04.09.07: Affoltern District Gazette
    Technology and humanity (read pdf)
  • 08/19/07: FEMINA
    Mère Nature, Regula Ochsner, la Suissesse écolo (read pdf)
  • 10.07.07: Tages Anzeiger
    Stäfner brings solar cooker to Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 07.07: Madagascar / France
    Solar cookers (read pdf)
  • 07.07: Solar Cooker Review
    Regula Ochsner received the Yves Rocher Fondation's international "Women of the Earth" award for her work promoting solar cookers in Madagascar.
  • 2007: Solarspar No. 2
    ADES: Simple means with great effect (read pdf)
  • 2007: Ideal No. 2
    Award for Environmental Commitment (read pdf)
  • 29.06.2007: Affoltern District Gazette
    Solar cooker, glass and willow (read pdf)
  • 17.05.07: Radio DRS 1
    Regula Ochsner - Solar cookers should do the trick
  • 05.07: Life and faith
    With the sun for the poor and nature (read pdf)
  • 05.07: Rotary Suisse Liechtenstein
    Solar cooker for Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 05.07: Ottebächler
    Ottenbacherin abroad - Regula Ochsner, trip to Ejeda - to our second centre
  • 16.04.07: Migros Magazine
    With the power of the sun (read pdf)
  • 07.04.07: L'Hebdomadaire and Senactu
    Suisse-Madagascar: Regula Ochsner remporte le Premier Prix International de l'Environnement
  • 02.04.07: Les Nouvelles Madagascar
    2.3 millions d'ariary pour des fours solaires (fr) (read pdf)
  • 29.03.07: Lucky mail
    Environmental prize for Swiss woman
  • 21.03.07: Zürichsee-Zeitung (right bank)
    From the Seine directly to the AGM
  • 19.03.07: Le Quotidien (Madagascar)
    Le premier prix décerné à Regula Ochsner pour ses projets de fours solaires
  • 19.03.07: Alter Business News
    Une ONG suisse propose des fours solaires pour enrayer le déboisement à Madagascar
  • 07/03/17:
    A great international prize for Regula Ochsner (read pdf)
  • 03.07: Hoy Mujer
    Regula Ochsner (online)
  • 14.03.07: Tiako I Madagasikara (Madagascar)
    Trophée de femmes - Le premier prix décerné à Regula Ochsner pour ses projets de fours solaires
  • 03/13/07: Wanadoo Madagascar
    Trophée de femmes. Le premier prix décerné à Regula Ochsner pour ses projets de fours solaires
  • 13.03.07: Les Nouvelles (Madagascar)
    Le Trophée de Femmes
  • 13.03.07: Autocrecimento (Spain)
    Energía solar para Madagascar
  • 13.03.07: Tagesanzeiger
    Prices for solar cookers (read pdf)
  • 13.03.07: Affoltern District Gazette
    High Honour (frontal tear), Regula Ochsner doubles up.
  • 09.03.07: Ecostrategia (Spain)
    La Fundación Yves Rocher entrega el primo internacional Tierra de mujeres a Regula Ochsner (es) (online)
  • 03/09/07: MSN France
    Grand prix international et 1er prix Suisse: Regula Ochsner
  • 08.03.07: RSE News and Médiateurs du Monde
    Social: Trophée "Terres de Femmes" 2007
  • 02.03.07: Affoltern District Gazette
    Environmental Award for Regula Ochsner (front view), Providing development aid with commitment and the simplest of means
  • 03.07: Brigitte Online
    Woman of the Month: Regula Ochsner (online)
  • 03.07: Homepage of the Yves Rocher Foundation
    Winner 2007: Regula Ochsner (online)
  • 03.07: Ottenbächler
    Regula Ochsner wins the Environmental Award (read pdf)
  • 01.07: Technology / Science
    Solar cookers in action against poverty and climate change (read pdf)
Chronicle 20062022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2006

The 2006 Annual Report begins as follows: "Very dark prospects for the future of our planet have been looking for some time. However, it seems that Al Gore manages to shine a spotlight on this gloomy subject so impressively that an ever greater proportion of the inhabitants of this earth are becoming aware of climate change."

Activities at ADES look less bleak. A second location has already been opened with the commissioning of a carpentry workshop in Ejeda. Its employees produce and sell 128 solar cookers between May and December. In the first five years, ADES has sold a total of 1600 solar cookers.

In Switzerland, the association celebrates its 5th anniversary at the Tann-Rüti garden centre with a charity summer night buffet attended by around 100 guests. The first general meeting is also held in the summer. Another premiere is ADES' participation in the International Solar Cooking Conference, which takes place in Granada, Spain, in 2006.

Photos 2006

Press review 2006

  • 11.10.06: Ottenbächler
    Ottenbacher abroad (read pdf)
  • 11.07.06: Zürcher Oberländer
    Madagascar in a riot of colour (read pdf)
  • 29.06.06: Zürcher Oberländer
    Encounter Madagascar. Dürnten: ADES Anniversary at the Garden Centre (read pdf)
  • 31.03.06: Valencia
    Participation d'ADES au 5ème Forum de l'Alliance Mondiale des Villes contre la Pauvreté (read pdf)
  • 29.06.06: Les Nouvelles
    L'Ader envisage sérieusement les énergies renouvelables (fr) (read pdf)
  • 02.06: Thurgau farmer
    The new cookbook Cuisine solaire Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 2006: MIVA Magazine
    Car for dissemination of solar cookers (read pdf)
Chronicle 20052022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2005

ADES is growing. The construction of a second carpentry workshop is already nearing completion. It is being built in Ejeda, 240 km south of Toliara. The region is one of Madagascar's "poorhouses". It is scheduled to open in February 2006. Pradel, the future director of Ejeda, has been living on the site since December and is landscaping the area. He is planting fruit trees and creating a vegetable garden so that the staff in Ejeda can prepare their own vegetables in the solar cooker every day. ADES also wants to be a role model for healthy nutrition.

Nutrition seems to be a precarious issue, especially this year, after heavy floods, and Regula is very concerned about it. "Because of hunger, the children are tired and flabby. Some of them even sleep at school. They feed on cacti and locusts, some of which are poisoned by insecticides. The harvest has been totally destroyed and the farmers have started to sow again. When the maize was about 15 cm high, whole swarms of locusts (...) came and ate whole bushes and fields. With our future construction, thanks to the great commitment of the Rotarians of the Canton of Zug, we can bring some hope back to this region."

In July, ADES hands over a 90-page business plan to the Malagasy government. Its author, Pierre Kistler, was given time off by his employer and long-time ADES supporter, Otto Frei, especially for this extensive work. It remains to be seen what impact the paper will have on decision-makers at the UN, EU, USAID, etc. and whether financial resources will flow for further planned centres in the South as well as for projects for the use of solar energy.

Photos 2005

Press review 2005

  • 11.05: Int. Transport Magazine
    Solar cooker for Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 08.05: women's forum magazine
    Of solar cookers and Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 08.05: Ideelle magazine
    Preserving forests with solar cookers (read pdf)
  • 16.06.05: Zürichsee-Zeitung
    Cooking with the sun in Madagascar (read pdf)
Chronicle 20042022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2004

Less than a year after moving into the first centre in Toliara, the official opening ceremony takes place on 24 April with guests from Madagascar and Switzerland. Regula writes about this in the annual report: "Obviously, the government was very impressed by our work, where everything is based on private initiative without waiting for government help". The Toliara government is already expecting a business plan from ADES for further projects. Negotiations are also underway with regional chiefs of Fort Dauphin and the mayor of Ejeda to expand ADES' activities in Madagascar.

Board member Roland Baumann travels to Madagascar with a group and records the experiences in a travel report. On his initiative, ADES wants to launch a parabolic cooker on the island. Although such a stove can only be assembled in Madagascar at this time and not manufactured, ADES nevertheless wants to test its use and acceptance by the population.

ADES can already celebrate the sale of the thousandth solar cooker. To cope with the volume of orders, ADES hires a third carpenter. At the end of 2004, ADES has eight permanent employees.

The highlight in Switzerland is a charity event at Circus Knie to mark the 100th anniversary of the Rotary Clubs of the Canton of Zug. Around 2500 guests attend the performance. The net proceeds amount to CHF 132,000, which the Rotary Clubs transfer in full to ADES. The donation will go towards the construction of a centre in Ejeda.

Photos 2004

Press review 2004

  • 26.12.04: TV programme Tele M1
    Programme Face to Face (Hans Haller and Regula Ochsner)
  • 12.04: Profile
    Merci, Mme Solaire (fr) (read pdf)
  • 29.11.04: Zug Press
    Celebrities in the Circus Knee Manege (read pdf)
  • Oct.04: Close-up
    Merci, Madame Solaire! (Article of the Tagesanzeiger of 14.07.04) (read pdf)
  • 29.09.04: Zug Week
    Circus Knie one day longer in Zug (read pdf)
  • 17.09.04: Neue Zuger Zeitung
    The cookers from Madame Solaire (read pdf)
  • 04.09.04: Zug Press
    Help from Zug (read pdf)
  • 09.04: Swiss family
    A hot project (read pdf)
  • 03.08.04: Swiss Radio DRS2
    Interview with Regula Ochsner about the solar cooker project in Madagascar
  • 14.07.04: Tagesanzeiger
    She is Madagascar's Madame Solaire (read pdf)
  • 14.07.04: Tagblatt Zurich
    There are many construction sites here (read pdf)
  • 14.07.04: Coop Newspaper
    Cooking with solar power (read pdf)
  • 03.04: Rotary Train
    Jubilee campaign of the Zug clubs (read pdf)
  • 24.01.04: Zürcher Oberländer
    A solar cooker protects Madagascar's forests (read pdf)
  • 01.04: Rotary Benefit
    150,000 francs for solar cookers (read pdf)
  • 2004: Church Council Dürnten
    Cooking with the power of the sun (read pdf)
  • 2004: Waldenburger Anzeiger
    Cooking with the power of the sun (read pdf)
Chronicle 20032022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2003

It took a while for the last two ministers to sign the "acord de siège", the official recognition of ADES as an NGO. But in June, the long-awaited document arrives.

Also in June, ADES moves into the new carpentry workshop in Toliara with a large sales room, an office and a kitchen. An own photovoltaic system and a wind turbine supply a large part of the electricity and the own well supplies water for self-consumption.

In September, Regula notes that more than 500 cookers have already been sold and thus the originally imported kits have been used up. It is now up to Chantal to buy all the material locally and negotiate prices. Not an easy task. Soon it turns out that the selling price per solar cooker has to be increased from about CHF 60 to about CHF 90, which is more than the monthly salary of a secretary. In Switzerland, too, ADES seems to be struggling with a lack of income and feeling the effects of the recession as well as various fundraising scandals. "At the moment, our financial resources are exhausted," Regula writes in autumn in a letter - which later turned out to be successful - to potential donors.

Photos 2003

Press review 2003

  • 03.07.03: Waldenburger Anzeiger
    Solar cookers are catching on (read pdf)
  • 30.06.03: Waldenburger Anzeiger
    Defusing the climate bomb with solar cooking (read pdf)
  • 14.02.03: Affoltern District Gazette
    Successful solar cooker project in Madagascar (read pdf)
Chronicle 20022022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2002

It took more than half a year for political unrest over the presidential election to calm down. The original president had not recognised his popularly elected successor, moved to the east coast and unceremoniously proclaimed Tamatave as the capital. Roadblocks, curfews, police and military deployment followed. After many national negotiations and numerous mediations by organisations, including the UN, the heated situation was brought to an end and a nationwide civil war was prevented. Regula writes about this in a report: "Our carpenter, Germain, conveyed to me on behalf of all employees and many sympathisers of ADES the thanks to Equipe ADES Switzerland and all the donors that we did not let them down in the war situation and stood by them. The fact that Switzerland was the first country to recognise the new president touched them very much".

Even a first cyclone in living memory over Toliara did not make ADES' second business year any easier. The construction of the first studio was damaged and interrupted and the new move-in date was postponed to spring 2003. In the meantime, a studio in a rented house serves as a provisional solution.

But there were also rays of hope. Towards the end of the year, five of the necessary seven ministers had already signed the application for official recognition of ADES as an NGO in Madagascar. "A turbo speed by Madagascan standards", as Regula notes. A ten-day stay of Chantal in Ejeda also resulted in the order of 67 solar cookers. This large order resulted in the cancellation of all Christmas holidays for the then five employees.

Talking of figures: Expenses according to the income statement in 2002 amounted to CHF 34'771, income to CHF 49'961. The profit of CHF 15'190 was quite respectable!

Photos 2002

Press review 2002

  • 27.01.02: MIVA Magazine
    Car for the introduction of cooking without wood in Tuléar, Madagascar (read pdf)
Chronicle 20012022-01-06T15:57:20+01:00

Overview 2001

Regula Ochsner spent the turn of the year 2000/2001 in Madagascar and was busy with her team - Eduard and Vreni Probst, Adrienne Borsari and Roland Baumann - at very different levels. Among other things, they had to bring a container with the first kits for 500 solar cookers out of customs, run from office to office and hire and train staff.

The first activities included a cooperation agreement with Prof. Daniel Ramanpiherika's local environmental association. For this, a name was needed even before the return to Switzerland and the subsequent planned founding of their own association. This came about in a "nocturnal brainstorming session", as Regula recalls.

Before Regula travelled to Madagascar again in the spring to take care of the purchase of land and to award the building contract for the carpentry workshop, the official foundation of the association was on the agenda. The founding meeting took place on 23 March 2001 "à la maison de Madame Regula Ochsner" as the minutes record. An eight-member board was elected with Regula as president, Adrienne Borsari as vice-president and Ueli Borsari as treasurer. Various members of the Hölstein Solar Cooker Association played an important role in the founding and the first activities on site, including Eduard and Verena Probst and Jürg Wüthrich. They were the first and, for the time being, only three members of the newly founded association. Not present at the meeting was the Malagasy board member Jean Claude Martina. He was responsible for ADES in Toliara at the time.

The purchase of a car for the transport of goods and for demonstrations as well as the shipment of a second container with a Pinzgauer donated by the Swiss military were further highlights in 2001. In addition, Regula notes with regard to the first cooker sales: "The exact recording of the delivered cookers was carried out very conscientiously by Chantal. She provided me with statistics: by 11 April, 92 Sonnenkochers had been sold and 18 given away."

Photos 2001

Press review 2001

  • 04.12.01: Affoltern district gazette
    Solar cooker to protect the environment in Madagascar (read pdf)
  • 27.10.01: Journée culturelle des Soaio-Truma, Genève
    Contre la deforestation: énergie alternative et création d'emploi
  • 3/16/01: Ottenbächler
    An idea is born (read pdf)
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